This is a very personal blog entry so forgive me if I seem a little spacey. I tend to get swept up in my thoughts and emotions when it comes to my husband. Let me be clear, while I am sort of bragging about my husband, the deeper content of this post is to show the importance of knowing your spouse and understanding their needs.
The last half of 2017 was extremely difficult for me in so many ways but having a husband that knows me and understands me was key in not only going through it but growing through it.
Like most people, hubby and I run very hard all day, everyday with each of our careers, businesses, children etc. When I had my car accident , the chronic pain slowed me down physically yet life around me did not slow down at all. That meant I was struggling to manage it all and to get everything done. That weighed on me both mentally and emotionally. I became discouraged and began to lose confidence and overwhelming sadness began to set in.
Well, in steps my husband. Not only did he pick up some of the balls that I dropped but he saw where I was mentally and emotionally. He began to encourage me and build me back in the areas I was struggling. One evening after a very long and intense day I sat at the dinner table and mentioned that I had to go back out later that evening to fill my car up with gas since I had a meeting with one of my employees at my Miami office (a 3 hour drive) the next morning. Hubby offered to run out that evening to gas up my vehicle so I could get to sleep. I thought “Sweet”.
Well 4am the next morning, I grabbed my coffee and dragged out to my car in the darkness of the wee hours of the morning to not only find a vehicle full of gas but this..
Post it notes! They were so sweet and encouraging. These may not seem like anything significant to some people but to me they are. And it’s moments like that when I am thankful for my husband knowing me and understanding me so well. Like I mentioned last night in our Wonderfully Imperfect Families Facebook Group, I’m a visual person. For me things have to be converted from abstract onto paper. I need to see it, touch it, feel it – in order for it to be real. And when you combine that with my reigning Love Language in this season- Words of Affirmation, and the fact that I think mornings suck, you can see why I ADORE these post-it notes from my husband each morning.
He probably doesn’t even know the significance of each note he leaves me but they encourage me and put the battery in my energizer backpack each day. We are far from perfect but he gets me. Here are some of the others I’ve loved finding on the shower door, bathroom mirror, etc. in the mornings.
I’d love to know how you encourage or push your spouse? Let me know in the comments.
This is so cute! My husband and I leave each other notes sometimes too…it’s the little things sometimes that matter most!
I love that your husband and you have this kind of a relationship. I am working on building such a relationship with my husband. We have only been married since August 2017 but we have been together for about 5 years. He is so kind and so sweet. He lets me sleep in on days where I can’t seem to get up and gets our kids to school all by himself. He rubs my back at night even when his back hurts because he knows mine does as well. I make dinner every night and take care of my husband when he falls asleep in funky positions. I put everything away, turn the TV off, set his alarms and help him undress. I make the things he likes for his birthday and for holidays. And we make sure to kiss and hug each other daily.