I can’t believe I have a teenager. Time waits for no-one. I remember my little boy following me from room to room as a toddler and then I blinked and now he is an official teenager. I want to share some tips for my teenage son.

Last year I gave twelve reminders for my son on his birthday.
Before I burst into tears 😭…
Tips for my Teenage Son:
1. Think big, and love hard. And while you are at it Think Hard and Love Big also.
2. Give 110% or not at all. Anything less is whack. Don’t be whack.
3. For the most part, your attitude dictates your experiences in life. Adjust it accordingly.
4. Your talents do not entitle you to be “cocky”. The most talented and successful of people choose to recognize the talents of others and let them shine.
5. If you have a problem, solve a problem. Breath first. Then think about how you can fix it or improve the outcome. When that fails, ask your mom. 😘
6. Control your thoughts. They are replete with the rest of your life.
7. Own your screw-ups. Apologizing when necessary.
8. Embrace failure. It is one step on the road to success. Try to fail daily.
9. Procrastination is the best way to make bad things worse and good things bad.
10. Just because you can – doesn’t mean you should. Please think it through.
11. Jealousy is waste of time. Focus on your blessings and be sure to not let the ugliness of jealousy dull your joy.
12. Never do in private what you wouldn’t want the public to find out about. And these days, they it will likely be in social media it by the end of the day.
13. Let patience be your first response, kindness be your first reply, courage be your default setting, faith be your first inclination, curiosity be your first question, perseverance be your longest answer, gratitude be your spontaneous condition and love be your first, final and only method.
Happy Birthday 🎊🎉🥳 to my 1st born! I love you beyond what words can convey. 💕