Today I walk into Publix, my local grocery store, to grab 2 quick items that I had forgotten in my Walmart online order (someone remind me to talk about online shopping in another post.) As I am standing in the aisle looking at the cookies (yes, don’t judge me), a gentleman approaches me & says “I love your shirt. I know Jesus and I know guacamole.” I smiled and said “thank you” as I reluctantly looked up from the cookies. Well lo and behold, it was the one of the store managers. He said “I saw your shirt as you walked into the store and was happy to see you representing Jesus. I just had to come over & give this to you.” And he handed me a Publix gift card and we exchange quick holiday blessing to one another. 😄
‘Tis the season of giving so I am going to pass this blessing on to someone else but I’m so grateful for the generous gift that was giving to me for just loving Jesus and showing it.