Gasp. Sob. Cry. I can’t believe it. My first born! My sweet little boy is turning 12 years old today. Where did the time go? Wait…How am I old enough to have a twelve-year-old child!? There must be some funky math going on because I still feel like I am twenty-two but whatever. In a world where there is so much outside influence on our children, it is always pressed upon my heart as a parent to make sure I am influencing my children the most. So I have twelve reminders for my son on his birthday.
Twelve Reminders For My Son On His Birthday
- Be kind. Even when it feels incredibly difficult. It is at that moment it’s needed the most.
- Not everyone is going to agree with you. It’s important that you listen to their perspective even if you disagree.
- Your weaknesses do not define you. It’s your response to these hurdles that does.
- Make mistakes. That’s how we learn. That’s how we grow.
- Nobody loves you like your Mama. Nobody.
- You can’t do the big things if you’re always distracted by the small ones.
- Seek out the quiet person. Seek out the outcast. Make them know they matter because some days you are the quiet person, the outcast….and you matter.
- Life is what happens beyond that screen you love so much.
- Be brave but know that it’s ok to be scared too.
- There is no substitute for hard work.
- Look out for your little sisters. Sure…they may push your buttons but they are always looking to you. You’re paving a path for them. Make it a good one.
- Big adventures are coming your way. Go after them. But remember you can always come home. Always.
Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy 🎁🎂🎊🎉 Love you always and forever,
Mommy 💕