As soon as you become a parent your world flips upside down, and if you’re an introvert, it’s, even more, flip-flopped upside down. Whether you’re the most outgoing person on the planet or a little more reserved, trying to make new friends after you have kids can seem like a daunting task. It’s not easy to meet new people in between your everyday tasks of parenting, completing chores, oh and actually making some money towards bills. If you’re wondering how to make new friends, then you’ve come to the right place. Today I’m going to share 4 ways for mom to make new friends so that you can start having your own social life in between raising kids and running the household.
4 Ways for Moms to Make New Friends

Consider your Neighbors
If you live in a community style neighborhood where you actually have neighbors, then consider getting to know your neighbors. Of course, this will only work best if you have something in common with the neighbors. Consider taking a moment to stroll around the neighborhood every day and wave to your neighbors whenever you see them. Stop to say hi and get into a casual conversation with your neighbors. In time you’ll find that some of your neighbors may actually be pretty cool and you’ll want to spend more time hanging out for a social hour together.
Talk to Parents at Pick Up
If you live in an area where this a school pick up line and everyone has to stay in their vehicles, well then this option isn’t one for you to make new friends. The key for parents to chat at school pick up is to live in a rural area that actually allows parents to get out of their vehicles and congregate outside while waiting for their child to leave school. You could even chat with parents at school events or during times when your child goes to a sleepover. Making friends with parents of your child’s friends can backfire though, so be very selective about which parents you welcome into your life and how you two get connected so that there are no ill feelings if your children have some mishaps in their friendship.

Organize a Girls Night Out
These tips for ways for moms to make new friends, so why not plan a girls night out with other parents in your community? You can rent an event hall or local community center for a night and hand out invitations to any parents in the area. Consider finding a good option from a local teenager for babysitting so that all of the moms in your local community can go mingle for a few hours at night. This is the perfect way to meet new people and get to know your community better. You will find organizing a girls night out will be quite a popular option for many parents and when you get babysitting options covered for them already, you’ll get more yes’s to your invites.
Sign Kids up for Extra-Curricular Activities
When your kids get involved in sports or some other extra-curricular activity in the community, it opens the door for you to meet new friends without much effort. Sporting events are such a great way to meet other parents who can relate to the life of a sports parent. This is the perfect way to meet like-minded friends who will continue to be a huge support system throughout your life, not just during sports or other extra-curricular events. In addition to meeting new friends this way, you may even set your children up to have a new playmate when you become friends with other parents at sporting and extra-curricular events.

So I have given you four ways for moms to make new friends regardless of the size of your town or how busy your schedule seems to be. There are many unique ways you can make new friends, it’s all a matter of thinking outside of the box to get to know those adults you pass on an everyday basis. Tell me some ways you make new friends.